Google logo with a salted cocktail glass

This page takes your search query and tacks on an extra word chosen from the dictionary at random. You are then shown the new spiced-up Google search results.

A friend of mine suggested something like this on a whim and I threw it together and we began using it for our daily web searches. It was astonishing how frequently we were given better, more useful results when extra unrelated words were added to our search queries. It also became a fun tool for learning and discovering new things - not completely random things but information just sideways of what you already knew or were searching for. Occasionally you will get a dud, non-sensical result. If this happens, just hit back and try again. Embrace the seasoning for a while - you may be surprised too.

This page uses javascript to perform its actions and redirect. No round-trip is made to this server and your search queries are not logged. A random word is chosen via ajax from a dictionary of about 100,000 English words. Written by CoffeeMatt.
