1. My laptop broke and was in the shop getting the motherboard replaced. Apparently 2007 Mac Books have a defect in the video card.
2. The kids have been as crazy busy as ever. Crazier and busier as evererer.
3. I read the collection of essays, For Rene Girard. Lots of interesting stuff in there, but not much that makes for good blog posts. I will be posting a few notes from this soon though.
4. I read Jean-Michel Oughourlian’s The Genesis of Desire. It was about equal parts awesome and ridiculous. It definitely gives me some paths to explore for combining the work of Girard and Larry Crabb though.
5. I read Robert Alter’s The Art of Biblical Narrative. (See how much reading I get done when I don’t have my computer!) I finally understand where Peter Leithart is coming from now with some of his analysis. Much of it is in the same vein as this. I was previously pretty unfamiliar with this form of Bible scholarship.
6. I’m beginning to realize that my note-taking method isn’t working anymore. All the thoughts and ideas I want to get down on paper are increasingly becoming to long to describe in a paragraph. Most of the supporting material I’ve been digging up on Girard requires too much context to communicate. I think I need to move to some sort of running commentary/outline method of notetaking instead of just marking and jotting down interesting quotes.
7. And finally, I purchased a video game for the first time in many years. Yes, what a terrible and irresponsible thing to do, right?