Hoping for a new golden age of blogs

This blog was started in early 2007, near the height of the golden age of personal short-form (and occasionally long-form) online writing. Social media platforms buried many of them for a good decade or more, but now with the recent meltdowns at Facebook and Twitter and the increasingly flash-in-the-pan-ness of TikTok and Insta Reels and such, a sizable number of folks have been turning back to something that resembles the old forms! Often this is in the shape of something like a Substack newsletter, but they function very similar to the way the old blogs did with a smaller dedicated base of readers with more thoughtful interactions in the comments. I hope this trend continues! I’m not the only one! I believe it’s much more healthy for thinking, for debate, for intellectual property, and for internet archival longevity among other things.