Tempering free will

Here, Merton rejects strict predestination theology on the basis that it is too philosophical and cannot be described adequately if you limit yourself to the kind of language found in the bible.

Our vocation is not a supernatural lottery but the interaction of two freedoms, and, therefore, of two loves. It is hopeless to try to settle the problem of vocation outside the context of friendship and of love. We speak of Providence: that is a philosophical term. The Bible speaks of our Father in Heaven. Providence is, consequently, more than an institution, it is a person.

-Thomas Merton, No Man is an Island, Ch.8 Sec.1

I add that an elemental part of the human soul is highly offended by the notion that our place in life (social, vocational, salvational, you name it, everything) is nothing more than the result of a cosmic lottery. At the moment of conception in the womb, the great roulette wheel in the sky in spun. Pray it doesn’t land on 00. Is it just our sinful nature that finds this offensive? Is it just our American independance folding it’s arms in front of the sovereign triune God? Don’t answer so fast. What if it is actually the imago dei reacting to this instead!?