Protection amidst persecution

Even under persecution in the Roman empire, Christians were in some ways protected:

Their burial places remained undistrubed, guarded by all the severe care of the Roman law for sepulchres. Cemeteries belonged to the Dii Manes, the gods of the underworld, and the mercy which the Genius of the Emperor refused in the light of the Roman day, the dark divinities beyond the tomb retained, as if in an awful recognition of the God who had gone among them and returned. The catacombs have been preserved us by that care, and by the careful legalism of the Roman Pontiffs who watched the propriety of the dead. Nor apparently were churches, when at last they came to be built, usually attacked. The Roman law was very careful of property.

-Charles Williams, The Descent of the Dove, p.20

It makes me think that even if Christianity becomes persecuted in the United States at some point in the future, it will likely still be one of the best places to live while things get sorted out. Better then Pakistan at least.