Enchantment not blunted by use

Back to children again and whether they find it easier to suspend disbelief for the story-teller.

Tolkien’s answer is “perhaps”, but that the “potion” of excellent story-telling is not less potent to adults.

It may be argued that it is easier to work the spell with children. Perhaps it is, though I am not sure of this. The appearance that it is so is often, I think, an adult illusion produced by children’s humility, their lack of critical experience and vocabulary, and their voracity (proper to their rapid growth). They like or try to like what is given to them: if they do not like it, they cannot well express their dislike or give reasons for it (and so may conceal it); and they like a great mass of different things indiscriminately, without troubling to analyse the planes of their belief. In any case I doubt if this potion—the enchantment of the effective fairy-story— is really one of the kind that becomes “blunted” by use, less potent after repeated draughts.

-J.R.R. Tolkien, On Fairy-Stories, (Children)