God’s autobiography

If the world is God’s novel, than Jesus is God writing himself into the story, as many clever human authors have done.

…though the autobiography “is” the author in a sense in which his other works are not, it can never be the whole of the author. It is still a formal expression and bound by the limitations of all material form, so that though it is a true revelation it is only a partial revelation: it incorporates only so much of the mind as matter is capable of containing. Its incompleteness is not due to any imperfection in the mind; it is simply and solely due to the necessary limitations of literary form.

Theologically, the Word is said to be “equal to the Father as touching His Godhead and inferior to the Father as touching His manhood”-which may be translated into the language of our analogy: “Equal to the Idea as touching its essence and inferior to the Idea as touching its expression.” It is inferior, not only in the sense that it is limited by form as the Idea is not, but also in the sense that its form is creaturely and therefore subject to the Idea-“I do the will of My Father.” This does not mean that the revelation is not perfect; it is, as the phrase goes, “perfect of its kind”; but the kind itself is capable only of so much and no more.

-Dorothy Sayers, The Mind of the Maker, Ch.6

Here, the analogy may break down again. When his disciples asked Jesus if they could see the Father, he said that if they have seen him, they HAD seen the father. So Jesus was everything right? That seems to go against what Sayers is saying here. But Jesus was of a certain type. In the incarnation, he laid aside his omnipresence, and other things as well. On the mount of transfiguration, something MORE was shown of him. So in a sense, Jesus is 100%, but there IS more to God than we see in Jesus, at least in expression.

For example, the Holy Spirit is an expression of God that is different than what we find in Jesus when he walked the earth. This doesn’t make Jesus any less God, but there is a sense that, within the bounds of time and space that the incarnation stepped into, there are limitations. Jesus, being 100% man as well, chose to operate within these limitations so we could know him better (and so he could take our place). But just like the author writing himself into the story, or the director of a film having a cameo, there is only so much of him that can be expressed.