Against entropy

Evolution says man, over time, takes one step forward and zero steps back.

Wisdom, history, and the second law of thermodynamics however state that man takes one step forward and one step back.

Some of the protestant reformers liked to use the phrase “semper reformada”, which means, “always reforming”. This is much closer to the mark.

The greatest and most universal answers that man has tried to give, like the Reformation or the Great Revolution, even these, as we have seen, were temporary answers, and had to be supplemented after a century had passed.

-Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, Farewell to Descartes, p.10

Just as the sun recharges the earth anew each morning, from the algae in the ocean on up, we must continue to shape creation with judicious care, teaching our children to do the same. Alone, we cannot do this, but the Holy Spirit is a rushing wind that will not stagnate – like the hidden source of a perpetual motion machine.